Wednesday, May 23, 2012

20 months

Wow! Seriously, 20 months old? I was just reading back in January about a Peyton update, so I figured it's about time for another one.  Here's what this crazy, sweet, little girl is doing these days...

  •  This weekend we were swimming in a friend's pool.  Peyti swam under water from me to Gabe for 5 whole seconds!! Her little face was under water the whole time and she would move her feet like a fish, while reaching out her hands for us. We were so proud. And kept making her do it over and over. 
  • She says "mom" clear as day and says it as many times a day as she can.  It's really flattering that she loves calling for me so much, but sometimes I wish she would just answer me when I say "what Peyt?" 
  • She's obsessed with her baby doll. She gives it kisses, takes it in the car, puts her in the stroller, pats the baby on the back. We're really thankful that she's so nurturing and look forward to her being a great big sister in September.  
  • At night when I'm putting her to bed, I'll sing to her and she'll sing right along with me. Of course she hasn't quite picked up on the tune or the words, but who cares. In her heart she's singing with her mama. 
  • Another one of my favorite night time routine's is Gabe putting Peyton to bed. He typically puts her to bed at night and my heart just melts. They say prayers every night and go through every single person in our family. She'll take her paci out and say each family members name and who goes with who.  I hope and pray that Gabe will pray with her as long as she lives under our roof. She's so blessed to have such a Godly daddy who invests in her spiritually. Love this time!
  • We did get rid of the paci except in bed during naps and at bed time. It's more important for me to be able to sleep in until 7 than to get rid of the paci. Selfish? Yes. But glad she will be a part of it. 
  • She's a little bit naughty and throws food off her tray at meal times. She turns her head and laughs. I try my best ABA on her I can, but sometimes I'm at a loss. I think she's gonna give me a run for my money.
  • She HATES brushing her teeth. It's a fight every night. We're trying to push through it, although there is absolutely no teeth brushing happening.  Hoping it's more about the routine and someday she'll have healthy brushing habits.  
Here's to 20 months, Peyti Leigh! We love you more everyday and can't wait for you to meet your little sister.  You're going to be such a great big sister. I hope you and your little sister love each other as much as me and Tanta do! 

1 comment:

Alisha said...

Great post. I am so proud of all your posting. More pics please!