Monday, September 26, 2011

Peyton Turns One (and 3 weeks)!

Peyton Leigh turned 1 year and 3 weeks today. She brings more joy, excitement, laughter, and smiles into our lives than we ever could've imagined. Just today Gabe and I were playing with her and I was thinking how much better our lives have become over this last year. I can't remember life without her. We love you so much Peyti!

Here's what she's up to these days:
1) She took her first steps yesterday! She took a few more today, so I know it wasn't just a fluke. She does still prefer to crawl, or better yet, have mommy pick her up. But she's totally capable of walking. Just needs a little practice.
2) She has 4 teeth on top and 2 on bottom.
3) She loves avacados and currently is eating flax seed on everything. She needs to put on a few pounds, per the doctor's request, so we're trying to fatten her up. She also loves to drop everything off her tray she does not feel like eating. We're working on signing "all done" instead of dropping it. She prefers to drop it.
4) She is signing "eat", "drink", "milk", "blankie" and the occasional "all done."
5) She LOVES her wagon that Memaw and Papaw got for her birthday.
6) I think she's officially become a blankie girl. Thanks to her mama, I was pulling for that one. She's definitely my daughter.
7) She's really into imitating what we do. Gabe and I will whistle and she'll try so hard to do it, too. It's the cutest. thing. ever. But then again, we think everything she does is cute.
8) She loves climbing the stairs and thinks it's a game when I come to get her. It's worth getting up for just to hear her cackle.
9) She says dada over and over and over. Her daddy is her absolute best friend. I hope it stays this way forever and I'm totally fine with her one word. She knows who feeds her.

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